Il Traduttore per comunicare con il mondo  

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Estimate Request

For an accurate estimate, send us by e-mail the document you want to be translated. Please specify the target language, time frame, and your name and address.You should also consider compressing the site by WinZip to avoid lengthy sending and receiving times. You may also send us the documents by fax or regular mail. In this case we may suggest you to get in touch with us by e-mail before sending the parcel.

 To receive a fast estimate, just enter the following information and click on "Send". In order to count the number of words of your document, we advise you to use Microsoft WORD, selecting Count words in the Tools menu. If for you it is a problem, please send us your document and we will do it for you. For highly technical translations, estimates are only indicative.


Information about the document*

*All information supplied by you will be treated in the strictest confidence

Source Language

Target Language

Word Count

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In relazione al Codice per la protezione dei dati personali (d.l. 196/2003) il sottoscritto inviando il presente modulo dichiara, che dà il proprio consenso al trattamento, diffusione e conservazione senza limitazione alcuna dei propri dati personali. Dichiara inoltre di essere a conoscenza dei propri diritti.